Wise words indeed. Other points of view open up the mind and potentially offer a door to a different way of being.

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Oh goodness yes! Why is everyone so angry? Even within communities where working together would be to the greater good, such as disability or caring, people will argue about who has it worse, who has it harder, who understands the problems more... personally I think it’s all hard and we should all stand together to try to make things better for everyone. Maybe keeping people apart means no decisions need to be made by those in authority ...

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Yes! In my day job as a diversity and inclusion consultant I see a lot of this - people arguing over details and experiences rather than trying to find solutions. That's a really interesting point that you make - keeping people apart means no one has to move forward. So the people in power get to keep things in a way that suits them without having to make space for others. And the people who say they want change don't have to make the scary move into actual change, into the unknown. So encouraging arguments and in-fighting serves needs for control in different ways.

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I also think that when you live your life constantly fighting to be heard and for services that should be readily available you can become stuck in 'fight mode', reacting instantly, rather than stopping to consider what the other person is actually saying. Again, this means there is never any real advance forward.

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So true! And when you think of what the last few years have been like, maybe everyone has got stuck in fight mode to a certain extent. Of course some more than others.

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