I agree with you! Let's keep the magic in the world. I am a practicing pagan so I talk with my niece about the spirits of the trees, the beech as the queen of the woods , the yew as the portal, the tree of the eternal. People often find it strange that I work as a research scientist, and I believe in magic but to me they are one and the same. The whole world is magic. How we are here is magic. The fact that we get to experience this universe at all because we were chosen to be in this form to watch the passage of time is magic. Absolutely adored the knowledge you shared around Saturnalia, that was a new one on me. Thank you Allegra. Great piece!

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I think science *is* magic. What science can do and how it can see into deeper parts of the world is a form of magic. And I tell my children that magic is just the name for science that we don't know how to explain yet. Everything now considered scientific was once thought of as magic or witchcraft. So I don't think science and magic are at odds with each other at all.

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I love this ❤️

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Took time to sit and read this as I am getting ready for work and I feel you have,once again, captured what I feel about this season. It is magical, it is a time to enjoy those we have around us and a time to welcome light into the darkness. I have been trying to take December slowly as I want to capture as much of that magic as I can. Also didn't know about Saturnalia so a new piece of knowledge gained as well. ❄️

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I get quite grinchy in the run up to Christmas, but this has broken through the humbug shell. Thanks!

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Hurray! Nothing wrong with being grinchy of course, but I take that as a huge compliment and I'm glad to have shared a bit of festive joy!

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A friend of mine had a beautiful way of dealing with Santa- as they reached the age of disbelief he told his children that the spirit of Santa was real- the spirit of love and connection, joy, generosity and making people happy. Then he recruited each of them to keep the spirit alive for their younger siblings. He had them help choose gifts, wrap them etc. He actually created magic by this- as they become Santa's helpers they dived right in with abandon! It extended to creating treats, reading stories, playing games etc.

It was a beautiful thing to behold 🌲🦌♥️

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I love this!

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I thought you would! I hope some others adopt it ♥️

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Ooh I’m so with you on the magic Allegra, I really enjoyed this piece especially about the Santa topic as I too worried whether I was ‘lying’ and yet I adored the magic of it when I was younger and didn’t feel like I had been betrayed by my parents when I discovered he wasn’t ‘real’… in the sense of coming down the chimney and putting gifts at the end of my bed! The generosity and love and coming together to bring light in the dark is so needed, and I am enjoying the sparkle mixed with the cosiness. Thank you for writing such a wonderful piece, I can really sense how much effort has gone into it and appreciate you. Xxx

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Thank you! Yes same, I didn't feel betrayed when I found out the truth. In fact, I remember actively trying not to know the truth because I wanted to hold onto the magic. And my mum remembers overhearing me talking to a friend when I was young who said, "why is your mum still going on about santa when you know he's not real?" And I said, "shh, my mum likes it, don't let her know I know, it'll spoil it for her!"

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I'm a card carrying Witch with a strong belief in the Gods and the Good People, but much like you and your little one, I believe those things to be "real" in the narrative sense - in the sphere of meaning and morals - rather than "real" in any empirical sense, even if I might leave small, physical offerings for them from time to time. Thank you for this thoughtful perspective on the magic of the season, and I wish you and yours a happy and peaceful holiday.

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There's so much in those rituals and offerings, and a lot of research to show that we really benefit from them - we're suffering as a result of the way ritual has faded from our lives.

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Perfectly put, Allegra.

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What a beautiful post! As someone that has a deep passion for folklore, I really enjoyed the links you made between the advent of Christmas and magic (in a sense). I believe that all things have a purpose and belief is personal. Thank you for sharing and your insight! Happy Holidays to you and yours :)

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Christmas (or Saturnalia re-branded) is actually a very “big deal” moment for the forces of darkness because Winter Solstice it’s their energy-siphoning season. People don’t realize how dark it is because the true reality has always been hidden within the veil of deceptions. I posted an article on my Substack about Christmas/Saturnalia and the whole Santa/Krampus legend that may give some more information and insights. It’s not about being pro or anti or creating controversies, but for sharing knowledge. Just in case anyone wanted to check that out. Thanks! https://kekal.substack.com/p/from-saturnalia-to-christmas-a-satanic

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