Oo, give me more!

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Coming soon! 😁

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Hello Allegra

Well, I truly do not know where to begin, to be quite honest, because this is just bloody brilliant!!

But here goes...

First of all, the title "Served Cold" is perfect because I immediately thought of the saying 'revenge is a dish, best-served cold' (which I think was your intention ?), and it catches the attention straight away.

You established the character of the protagonist and her motivation for her behavior by recounting her childhood experiences and her helplessness as a child towards her father, which becomes the incentive and sets the scene later, to act out her revenge because she is a grown woman and no longer impotent.

The layers of the character, right there, are an absolute delight for an Actor and make the job of the Director an easy one because he does not have to search for any kind of "subplot".

It is all there right in front of him!

I had, of course, absolutely no idea what the topic or the setting of your story would be, and the fact that you decided on domestic violence towards women, is a stroke of genius, and could not be more actual than it is today, and a subject that should be brought to light and no longer a Taboo.

Even though your little old lady's "crusade," is, if nothing else, somewhat extreme....(lol)

(It is also a subject close to my heart, but that is a story for another day).

As I read your story, I could see it all in my head (my brain works like a camera), and when that happens, I know for sure that it is a good story!

I am looking forward to how the story develops and how many others she kills (?)

And if she gets away with it, and how?

(Thank you for mentioning me by the way, I am truly flattered) 🙏

Oh, I almost forgot, the name of Miriam Margoyles's agent is Olivia Homan (I googled it).....😉

I wish you and your family a peaceful weekend

your Anthony

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Oh thank you so much, Anthony, I so appreciate that. Thank you for the encouragement! ☺️

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You are most welcome 😊


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