I think you echo what so many of us feel. How do we make it better? As a mother, grandmother and child psychotherapist, I feel strongly that we need to nurture a next generation whose souls are listened to and nourished. Too many souls get buried, dismissed, squashed before they even begin to grow. To quote Mother Theresa (I think): 'if you want to heal the world, go home and love your family'. I have a vision, and am working on a book, to encourage the flourishing of souls, our own and those that come after us. If we can create a world where souls can flourish, surely we can break the cycle of isolation and despair that leads to so much violence. That is my dream anyway!

And here is a poem I wrote in response to one of @bethkempton's prompts - 'Scattered' - last Autumn which tried to express how I was, and am still, feeling:

Picking through the scattered rubble of shattered lives

Families in fragments

Searching, searching

For a hint of lives lost, for a flicker of life found.

Dust in every pore.

Scattered, shattered

In the name of the Gods of War.

No absolute rights, no absolute wrongs, no absolute truth.

Images of agony fill the headlines as day passes into day.

But we all hold the blame.

For eyes turned away.

For lives lived in ignorance

Of a world, shattered, scattered.

We all share the responsibility! Sorry, rant over! And thank you for your post.

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What a beautiful poem! And I love the sound of your book. You're so right, if we can build a world in which everyone feels valued, we can heal so much of the pain around us. I would add to that, a world in which everyone can value everyone else - the world is so polarised right now, and we're taught to see anyone who is different or who thinks differently to us as the enemy. We're fed constant prompts to be outraged and to shout at each other. I would love to see more movement towards seeing different perspectives, different sides to the story, being willing to hear different views. Not rushing to fight.

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So many awful things happening, so much uncertainty, and yes that feeling of helplessness mixed with compassion. I have no answers either but really appreciate you writing this. 🙏🏻💛

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Thank you for writing this 🙏

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Thank you, lovely! ❤️

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I feel that one of the least things that we can do is to raise awareness on such important issues and share relevant news and information with our contacts.

However, it's important to acquire and share such information from independent, objective news sources, rather than from the mainstream media, as such sources will be peddling propaganda and lies, especially concerning all these geopolitical conflicts and wars.

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