Allegra, I want to thank you for this article which resonated with me on a level I can’t even begin to explain. It was as if the universe heard my inner voice and sent your Substack to show me I’m not alone and my thoughts and questions are valid.

I looked in the mirror today and wondered who she was looking back at me. I recently gave up work because my partner began a new role in Saudi Arabia. I didn’t much like my job but thought a lot of my colleagues. I wanted to finally do something with my life that was an actual choice and not required. Since I stopped working I have been trying to figure out who I am without the corporate framework of local government shaping my existence.

I love photography and writing poetry and being creative. I try to write a poem every day and journal when I remember or feel I should. I haven’t taken a photograph for the sheer joy of it for a while now so today I went out into the heat of Saudi Arabia, where I’m helping my partner and me, transition in as painless a way as possible to our new situation, and took some pictures with my iPhone, and felt the old thrill of seeing the world through the lens and presenting my perspective. It gave me a sense of purpose again and a nudge in the direction I think I need to take.

I’m sociable under the right circumstances, but socially awkward in new surroundings and around new people. I find that I have to work hard to make conversation and it can be tiring, but know I need to do better. I overthink things and situations way too much.

Reading your article was like watching my thoughts materialising on the screen in front of me.

Reclaiming my identity and place in this world is a priority at this time.

I hope this all makes sense. I think I’ve rambled and I probably sound disjointed in thought, but I think that’s reflective of the way I’m feeling after reading your article. It lit something up inside and gave me a little sense of excitement, so please forgive me.

Thank you for sharing 😊

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Please don't apologise, I don't think I could ask for a better compliment to my writing than that it lit something up inside and gave you things to think about. So thank you. I really hope it's helped. It's easy to feel the core of you gets lost sometimes, and it takes work to find it again, but I'm so glad you've begun the journey to find it and I hope it's an enjoyable one!

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Jul 11Liked by Allegra Chapman

Oh Allegra, this sparked so many introspective thoughts whilst reading. It allowed for internal questions, triggered my sense of navigation, pondered moments, and has inspired me to sit down and strip back to the bare bones of who I am too, what identities I’m wearing, consider which ones I may want to let go of… thank you so much for the nudge, I’m going to spend more time with this ♥️✨

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Thank you so much my love, that's such an amazing compliment! I really hope you find it helpful. xx

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Ooohhh, Allegra this is stunning! A well-timed read that I very much needed. Thank you for this.

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Thank you so much! ❤️

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So much to contemplate within this! I think it’s really natural to reinvent our identities… but the core of our being doesn’t change and I love that you truly do know all of those threads. Writing is clearly one of the most vital ones! I’m curious if you have an open identity centre in Human Design?? Have you ever explored it? Xx

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You're about the 5th person to tell me to look into human design, so I'm going to take the hint from the universe and investigate!

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Ahhhh massive sign! I would love to look over your chart if you do decide to investigate. My Human Design or My Body Graph are good places to get them, you just need your birth time, date and location xxx

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Ok cool I will get it and share it so you can tell me what I'm looking at! 😆

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Please do! WhatsApp me if you prefer and I can VN you my reflections. Xx

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