Allegra this is so true. I often feel that all the media want to tell us is the bad. As I’ve said before, keeping us fighting means we don’t work together. Also the media insists that the only way to get ourselves noticed is to be confrontational or make people pity us. I don’t want either of those, not for myself or the people I love. I want them to be respected and liked for who they are, and have access to the support they need because we live in a great society that cares for each other not because the media has manipulated their story.

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Ohhh Allegra I relate so much to becoming more sensitive after having children. I was a mess for years!

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I have felt the same, where it all seems to be just too much! Those of us who are highly sensitive people, which it sounds like you are, find it all even harder.

A couple of years ago, heading into the new year, I felt like I had reached my max. I was judging and shrinking at the same time. I pledged to face the world full-on with compassion, to stand tall in myself while no longer burying my head in the sand. Those weren't the exact words but it's what comes to mind right now. I found myself going into my shell and turning away from all that was going on. Now, a couple of years into that pledge, I am more able to (some days) allow the world to be what it is, whether I like it or not.

Like you I don't watch the news, I am not on Twitter and I don't hang out too often on socials but I still am informed by trying to access well-rounded information that presents both sides (I know - that's almost impossible but I try!).

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Oh yes, finding information that shows both sides feels such a challenge. I was thinking recently there should be a newspaper where every story has to be presented in two articles from two different writers with different perspectives and political opinions! And I love the idea of treating it as a pledge. Compassion, and love, have become important words for me recently, trying to approach the world and the people around with me with love at the centre. I'm considering my first ever tattoo (at the age of 39!) - I'd like to have a heart on my wrist as a constant reminder to focus on love.

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I love the idea of your tattoo!

Hey, wondering if you got the email I sent you about a possible collaboration. We had talked about it on Notes and I followed up with an email to your Substack email address but I have found those emails seem to be very inconsistent, or maybe ended up in spam. If it's something that resonates fire me off a message to drdonnamcarthur@gmail.com but no pressure if the timing isn't good.

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I did not get the email, but will email you right now. :)

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