My daughter dreaded her "transition to maiden" so much that she spent 2 years calling herself non-binary, as if that hold her hormones off. Now that the transition has happened, she has settled back into a female identity.

I think that being part of her experience has better prepared me for menopause. Her terror of all things female has made it easier for me to look forward to giving them up.

That said, when I read that the bark of the guelder rose plant helps with menopausal symptoms, I planted 275 of them!

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Oh I feel for your daughter, these transitions are so hard, and so intimidating, and we're given so little support or even information to help us understand and navigate them. All these weird and huge things happening to our bodies, without any guidance of what to expect or how to deal with it, or even what's a symptom and what's just in our heads! It's great that there's so much more awareness now of different gender identities and possibilities outside narrow patriarchal binaries, but it also throws so many more questions and confusions into the mix, which young people need more support and guidance to navigate. We're all groping our way through these transitions in the dark right now!

I'm now off to buy a batch of guelder roses... thanks for the tip!

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