Every December, I like to give a shout out to some smaller Substacks that don’t get as much fanfare as some of the larger ones.
It’s hard to grow a new publication and to get the word out about your writing when you’re early on in your journey and you don’t come here with a ready-made audience. My Notes feed is filled with shares of beautiful writing - but it’s writing by big names with a big readership. And these writers often promote one another - they are either friends who want to support each other, or they want to become friends with these other prestigious writers. The world of publishing can be a cliquey place sometimes.
So my aim is to lift up writers that don’t get that big-name support, that are still trying to break through and be heard amongst the noise. And I hope that this can be part of us forging a community that isn’t built on how much social capital we can gain from our connections, but on the pure joy of supporting other creatives and forming relationships with other creative souls.
Psst! Don’t forget my FREE online creative retreat starts on 27th December.
Substack Advent Calendar 2025
Please note that these Substacks are in no particular order. I tried to loosely group together writers with some connection between them, but sometimes that connection is flimsy.
I started this project in 2023, just on Notes, when I shared Substacks I personally had been reading. This year, I wanted to broaden it out and diversify the list as much as possible, so I put a call-out for nominations. I had literally hundreds of replies, at which point I turned off comments and hid behind the sofa, because I knew I wasn’t going to get through them all. I then looked at as many of those nominations as I could, but I don’t think I even made it through half. Sorry. I have two businesses and two kids to look after, and a Christmas to get ready for. Plus I’m just one small human. So if you were nominated but didn’t end up in the final list, please know it is not a reflection on your writing. The ones I chose were ones that looked interesting and different and, when I read through a post or two, their writing was good quality and had something to offer. I also have not had the capacity to thoroughly vet every Substack I’ve included - if you find anything that you feel is offensive or inappropriate in any of them, do let me know. And again, I’m only one human, doing my best.
Please do check these writers out, and leave them some likes, maybe a comment, maybe a subscribe, if you find something you like.
If you’re reading this in your email browser, the post will be cut off, so head here to see the full calendar.
Day 1
Plants and gardens
Since bringing the outside inside has long been a key component of yuletide decorating, I thought we’d start with some plant-based Substacks.
The Foibles of a Florist by Sarah Rushbrooke is a really beautiful Substack sharing advice, information and reflections on flowers and floristry.
Leafy Pages by Bree offers gardening advice and information alongside stunning drawings. Bree also writes Palette of Thoughts, a lovely exploration of colour, with original artwork.
Day 2
Books and stationery
It’s Christmas time. And do you know what I want to unwrap at Christmas? Books and stationery. So that’s what’s behind the door for Day 2!
Have a Nice Book by Lilith Hardie Lupica is a wonderful place to spend some time getting book recommendations and celebrating the power of reading.
Marginalia by Shreya initially won me over with a post about stationery, but this Substack is about far more than that. There are reflections, notes and explorations of life, writing, moving from India to France, and, of course, the joys of stationery.
Day 3
Creative therapy
The festive season can be an intense and busy time, so we all need to take care of ourselves. Y’all know I love creativity as a form of self-care - the health benefits are huge, people!! - so Day 3 is all about creative therapy.
Art & Soul by Brandi Cortés-Hickson explores creativity as therapy, as well as life with MS, and the wonderful world of crochet and embroidery.
Threadstack is the directory and community of all the people on Substack who love yarn and thread, fiber and fabric. The project is curated by Kathryn Vercillo, who describes it as, “Knitting us all together, weaving a tapestry of support.” ❤️️
Day 4
Art and poetry
As the nights draw in, we need some beautiful works to cosy up with.
arii’s disorganised ramblings by arii lynton smith contains poems, personal essays and art, exploring life through a Black Queer lens.
Women Replanting Substack by Nicola Wood includes reflections, poetry and art on female connection, nature and seasonal living.
Light Up My Life is where Lucy Wadham shares poetry, art and reflections on human connection.
Day 5
Smashing the system
2024 has been quite the year. And if it’s inspired you to want to smash the patriarchy and tear down systems of oppression, I have Substacks to inspire you. Join the resistance!
De-Stigma Dialogues is written by Tamara Foster, and her description is pretty powerful: “It is my mission to use dialogue (open conversation) to pull back the curtain on topics that have maintained the stigmatization of women within our society and in so doing create more community spaces for women." Hell yes to that! 💪
Flucking Flourishing (what a glorious name!) by Lisa Bolin is described as a space for the Queenagers, which I adore. I am not a perimenopausal woman, I am a flucking Queenager! This Substack is all about flourishing in midlife, creativity and books. What more could you want?
Day 6
Hidden stories
Behind this door of the calendar, I wanted to shine a light on experiences that don’t get anywhere near enough visibility. There’s a reason we don’t often get to read these stories - the system benefits from our lack of awareness and empathy. Reading is an act of rebellion - get these Substacks in your eyes!
Life And Other Stories is where Donna Giles is advocating for SEND children, carers and disability rights, and telling the stories of real life people working to improve the system.
Steph is Rarely Thriving by Steph Cullen is an exploration of life and motherhood with chronic illness.
Day 7
Escape into fiction
As it’s dark and cold outside here in the northern hemisphere, we need some good fiction to cosy up with.
The FLARE by Chevanne Scordinsky is a collection of short fiction, essays and a serialised project across a range of genres, as well as reflections on the writing process.
The Môrdreigiau Chronicles, by Leanne Shawler, is a serialisation of fantasy fiction, as well as some behind-the-scenes insights into its creation.
Day 8
Poetry and crafts
What could be more festive than spending a dark winter’s eve crafting and reading poetry?
3 Red Cabbage Heads by Tamsin Chennell (she/her/they) is a beautifully eclectic mix of life, poetry, crafts, and musings on chronic illness, autism and later parenting.
Poetry and Tea is written by Lisa Andradez. It says she writes "shit poetry" - she doesn't, she writes lovely poetry, but I appreciate the celebration of the fact that first drafts are allowed to be not all we might eventually want them to be, and enjoying the process as we go.
Day 9
And now for something completely different…
Here are two Substacks on topics you’re probably not already reading about!
Elizabeth’s Substack is written by Liz, a microbiologist seeking to educate people about vaccines in a bid to combat vaccine hesitancy. I’ve spoken before about how I’m partially deaf (and lucky to be alive) because I contracted mumps as a very young child because of people around me not vaccinating their children, so this is a topic very close to my heart.
Curiosities by Meryl Rowlands is about life, its joy, its triggers and its curiosities, as well as psychology and somatics.
Day 10
The business of writing
If moving your writing career forward is on your list of goals for 2025, then I have the Substacks to help!
This Writing Life by Lisa Fransson is a behind-the-scenes look at the reality of author life, and what you need to know as an aspiring author.
Marketing Roar is written by Sarah Arrow. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, as much as you might hate the idea, if you’re going to be a professional writer (or any kind of creative), then you’re going to need to learn to market yourself. Sorry. But Sarah is here to help, and what I love about her Substack, as someone who spent a decade in marketing watching some decidedly dodgy types pedalling questionable advice, is that she is combatting the marketing snake oil with authentic guidance for writers and business owners.
Day 11
Time for some heartfelt writing!
The Stacked Tulip is where Bonnie Furgerson is “writing for the love of words and the work of revisiting past selves and loving oneself.”
A Broads Thoughts From Home is the home of Jillian Quinn Wheaton’s “words on Life, Death, Grief, Sea Swimming, Living On, Connections and LOVE.”
Day 12
Substack is not all about the words - behind this door, we’re taking a look at some more visual creators.
A Wilder Wonder by Jes Raymond is an illustrated refocus for your creative life. From a storyteller who sings and draws. Beautiful reflections illustrated by incredible art.
The Violet Tiger is where Susannah Violette shares reflections on life interwoven with original art and poetry.
Day 13
Life transitions
These Substacks will help you step into your power!
Ask a Sober Lady is written by Katie MacBride. As a science journalist and sober lady, Katie answers your questions about substance use and addiction. Because recovery isn't one-size-fits-all.
Substack von Aneli by Aneli contains reflections on divorce, mid-life and finding empowerment. All posts are in both German and English.
Day 14
Nature and nurture
These Substacks go deep into the heart of life and connect to something bigger than ourselves.
The Art of Seasons by Courtney Smith is a letter series on art, music, books, culture, and other little joys that can be found throughout the seasons. Courtney shares beauty from paintings, books, quotes, poetry, music, films, exhibition or museum highlights, recipes, and much more.
Kaylyn West is Kaylyn West’s alchemy of experiences in motherhood, faith transitions, love after divorce, and creative living. “A balm for your spirit, offering solace and direction on your journey home.”
Day 15
Writing prompts
Time to get cosy with some writing activities.
Weather Report: On Beauty is where Margaret O'Brien shares writing prompts and inspiration with an invitation to notice beauty in the world.
Lesley's Words & Musings is written by novelist Lesley Bungay, who talks about her experiences of writing and her journey to her next novel, as well as sharing writing prompts and exercises.
Day 16
Behind this door are two beautiful Substacks to uplift and inspire you.
Little dispatches from Amie Elizabeth White is by Amie Elizabeth White, who describes it beautifully: “It is my version of an editor’s letter: personable and approachable and meaningful. I write about fragrance and fashion, life in London, inspirations and aspirations, things worth reading, things worth eating, places to see, and what makes it all worth writing about. I hope to engage you, inspire you, and remind you that life is about feeding your soul, however you want to do so.”
Sarah Seeking Ikigai is by Sarah Seeking Ikigai. Ikigai is the Japanese concept of purpose and fulfilment - a reason for being - and Sarah writes about finding yours. “Seeking a reason for being, sharing learning, finding my people and voice. I want to create resources to help others get there faster than I did. I write to learn, to share, to question and to hopefully build tangible solutions to help others.”
Day 17
Good food
During this season of sugar and celebration, it’s good to make time for a little wellness.
The Cozy Vegetarian is written b Mary Armour. Delicious plant based recipes to nourish your body and warm your heart. Seasonal comfort food that is vegetarian and sometimes vegan. If, like me, you’re catering for vegans over the festive period, this is the Substack to check out. Because, as Mary says, there's so much more to vegetarian food than salads and lentil loaf!
Michelle Seguin MD. is by Michelle Seguin MD. As a physician, mother, and passionate gardener, Michelle’s mission is to support your health and well-being from soil to soul, by embracing the rhythms of nature through seasonal living. This Substack is your weekly dose of seasonal wellness, science-backed insights, and nourishing recipes from a doctor-gardener.
Day 18
Writers on writing
Behind this door, we have a celebration of the craft of writing, and all the many different ways that can look.
Naptime Novelist (one of my all-time favourite Substack names) is written by Bridget Riley, who is trying to write while her children are napping. Hard relate from me. Bridget is a home-schooling mother of three, writing fiction and non-fiction, inspired by her background as a speech-language pathologist.
The Book Project by Hanna Kozlowska is a meditation on the craft of nonfiction writing, from research to structuring to the actual typing of words. And a celebration of all things book.
Day 19
Deep thinking
The festive break is a good time to get stuck into some thought-provoking writing.
The Thought Library by Casper Moore is a collection of personal essays, poems and vignettes, written and created with Love. Casper shares his authentic experience with neurodivergence, CPTSD, identity issues, mental health, and life, the universe and everything. Definitely worth a read.
let us ponder is where Tim Burns shares essays on culture, language and food. There is also the serialisation of Tim's novel to get stuck into!
Day 20
Escape to the countryside
If the cold weather and encroaching darkness has been keeping you inside and driving you a little stir crazy, you can bring the expanse of nature to you via these Substacks!
Life Among the Alpacas is by Kasey Butcher Santana. Kasey is a caretaker of a small alpaca farm where they also raise chickens, bees, and pumpkins. This Substack is all about animals, keeping backyard chickens, gardening, native bees, books, nature and the environment.
When Waves Whisper by Jennifer Jordan is a collection of postcards capturing serene moments of peace and quiet amidst the chaos. Jennifer writes about her love affair with Cornwall, nature and mindful photography.
Day 21
Inner healing
Since day 21 is the Winter Solstice, it’s a good time to celebrate the return of inner light, as well as external light.
contains reflections on living connected to your inner light and recognising that light in all. Josie says, “I've always believed that every time we choose light over darkness we strengthen light in our world, so let's shine together!”Healing Woman is by
, a mother, a women’s health physiotherapist, and a reiki healer. Aoibhín writes to connect to and through the beauty, the absurdity, the humour, the sorrow and the joy of life, and says, “once words are spoken, healing begins.”Day 22
Fiery fiction
It’s time for some pure escapism, with a bit of a bite.
is a collection of serialised spicy gay romance novels, short fiction, reflections on the craft of writing, and book recommendations. is a novel about witches and modern Shetland, serialised in 1000-word episodes each week. “Come for the magic and the landscape, stay for the archaeology and the mythic entities.”Day 23
Two Substacks using comic and cartoon formats to great effect.
is a collection of comics about finding the humour in everyday catastrophes. “A daily documentation of the previous week’s most memorable moments according to me!” is straight-up cartoons. Simple but effective!Day 24
Finding your voice
Last but not least…
Page by Page Podcast Substack by
is a serialisation with a difference - in podcast format! Each episode, Megan shares a new chapter of her YA paranormal romance novel, as well as writing and publishing tips, tricks, and truths.50 Things to do in your 50s by
is a journey to “rediscovering my voice, post shitstorms” and living mid-life to the full.And that’s it!
I’d love it if you could subscribe to a few of these wonderful Substacks and help them reach a wider audience.
I hope you have a fantastic festive season!
I do this kind of work for the joy of supporting writers trying to break through, but if you’d like to support me in return, then I have a Buy Me a Coffee page!
A wonderful list, thank you for taking the time to compile all of these brilliant publications xx
I couldn't have asked for a better way to end the year! Thank you for envisioning this projects and including me in this truly magical exercise! Happy Holidays to you and your family :)